Login Troubleshooting

Hi Members!

The login, password reset, and account management are a little obscure on the membership software we chose for our website, so here are some step-by-step instructions if you’re having trouble signing in.

Logging In

  • Go to https://valleywatercolorsociety.org/login
  • Enter your email and password
  • Tap Sign In
  • You should then get logged into the website.NOTE: It’s a little hard to tell that you are actually logged in because the system first takes you to your profile page where you could check your address and change your password before proceeding further.


  • If all your profile info is correct, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “SKIP.” You should then be redirected to the “Account Updated” page, which has a menu of various pages in the membership area.

Login Troubleshooting

If you get Login/password not accepted when you try to log in: either you’re not using the email address you signed up with or the password is wrong. To figure out which one, tap on Request Password.

  • Enter your email address and tap Request Password. If you get “No account found with this email address,” it means you’re using a different email than when you signed up.
  • Email admin @ valleywatercolorsociety . org and we can either change your email to the one you prefer or let you know which one you signed up with.
  • Otherwise, just reset your password:

Resetting Your Password on the VWS Website

  • Go to https://valleywatercolorsociety.org/login
  • Enter your email and select Request Password
  • Tap the blue Request Password box at the bottom of the screen to continue. The system will send you an email with a temporary password and you’ll land on a new login page where you’ll enter that password
  • Go to the email sent by Valley Watercolor Society to find your temporary password
  • Copy the password from that email (make sure not to include a space at the end of it)
  • Paste that password into the password box and tap Sign In
  • You should then get logged into the website.NOTE: It’s a little hard to tell that you are actually logged in because the system first takes you to your profile page where you could check your address and change your password before proceeding further. You should go ahead and change your password from the temporary one to something you can remember more easily now:


    • Under the word Password, you’ll see the word Change in blue. Tap on Change.
    • Type in your desired password.
    • Scroll down to the bottom
    • Tap Save & Continue
    • You should then be redirected to the “Account Updated” page, which has a menu of various pages in the membership area.

Logging Out

NOTE: If you’re on your home computer, you don’t need to log out before closing your window, but please do log out if you’re on a public computer:


NOTE: These instructions are newly written. If you find any points that could be more clear, please write to admin @ valleywatercolorsociety . org and we can revise. Thank you!